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Our Curriculum

Our curriculum builds a strong foundation for our children’s learning and provides opportunities for relevant, interactive learning and play to engage the children meaningfully at different stages of their development. 


Our thematic and integrated curriculum approach, complemented by “ Jolly Phonics” programme from the UK and the “Growing with Mathematics” programme from Australia, aims to develop the child holistically. With our beliefs and core values in mind, we work towards developing our children in the six learning areas outlined under MOE’s Curriculum Framework, i.e. Language & Literacy; Numeracy; Discovery of the World; Motor Skills Development; Social & Emotional Development; Aesthetics & Creative Expression.


We believe that with facilitation from our dedicated teachers, we will bring out the best in every child.


« January 2025 »
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  • Character Development Open or Close

    We want to help our children develop a strong Christian-based value system and godly character through daily Singspiration, weekly Bible devotion, and character education. It is our desire that all CPK children will learn to love and fear God, honour their parents /elders, and be a blessing to everyone around them.

  • Aesthetic & Creative Expression Open or Close

    Art & Craft

    It is important that during Art & Craft lessons, the emphasis is on the learning process and experiences that the children have rather than the end product. Children are given the opportunities to explore and experiment with different media and techniques to express themselves creatively.


    Music & Movement

    During the Music & Movement lessons, children are introduced to a variety of musical instruments and elements of music. They get to explore, sing and play with different musical instruments during both structured and spontaneous activities.


    Annual Graduation Concert

    During our Annual Graduation Concert, children showcase their talents in public speaking, drama and singing as they put up a presentation of different biblical themes.

  • Discovery of the World Open or Close

    Learning journeys to various interesting and educational places are conducted during the school terms to encourage children to learn beyond the confines of the classroom. Learning journeys provide opportunities for children to lay the foundation for their learning in Science, Geography and History. We want children to engage their senses and make use of various tools, equipment and resources to learn as they interact with the world around them. This also gives them more chances to interact with their teachers and peers, build relationships, and learn self-management without the presence of their parents.


    Celebrations such as Chinese New Year, Racial Harmony Day and Children’s Day also provide opportunities for children to learn and appreciate different ethnicities, and one another. 

  • Language & Literacy Open or Close

    Children explore different thematic units and acquire knowledge and relevant vocabulary pertaining to the themes through the use of storybooks, rhymes, songs, games, activity sheets, and other language activities. Children are also given opportunities to hone their public speaking skills through “Show & Tell” sessions. To further develop our children to be fluent in the English language, CPK uses Jolly Phonics / Jolly Grammer and customised readers to impart the skills of reading and writing to them. Other language and literacy activities include creative writing, penmanship and weekly spelling practices.


    For learning of Chinese language, storybooks, rhymes, songs, games, activity sheets and other language activities based on different thematic units are used to develop the children’s listening, speaking and writing skills. Through various classroom activities, children learn to read in Chinese and master the writing of basic strokes and some Chinese characters. Chinese readers are used to further develop their fluency. Activities for K1 & K2 children include Creative Writing and weekly spelling practices. At K2, more focus is given to reading and writing skills to prepare them for Primary One and basic Hanyu Pinyin is introduced to the children. 

  • Chinese Language Open or Close

    Storybooks, rhymes, songs, games, activity sheets and other language activities based on different thematic units are used to develop the children’s listening, speaking and writing skills. Through various classroom activities, children learn to read in Chinese and master the writing of basic strokes and some Chinese characters. Chinese readers are use to further develop their fluency. Activities for K1 & K2 children include Creative Writing and weekly spelling practices. At K2, more focus is given to reading and writing skills to prepare them for Primary One and basic Hanyu Pinyin is introduce to the children.

  • Numeracy Open or Close

    CPK uses “Growing with Mathematics” programme to provide early Mathematical experiences for children and adopts the CPA (Concrete – Pictorial – Abstract) Approach to impart numerical concepts to children. The programme covers a wide range of topics and concepts for children to build a firm foundation in numeracy through interesting songs, rhymes, concrete materials, hands-on activities and customised activity sheets / workbooks. Teachers support the children’s mathematical development through questioning techniques to help them apply their logical, reasoning, and problem solving skills.

  • Social & Emotional Development Open or Close

    At CPK, we want our children to feel safe and happy, and develop a sense of belonging to CPK. Through fun-filled activities, we want to develop Godly values, self-directed learning and positive learning attitudes, independency and self-control. We also want to promote desirable social interaction and social values in them. Appropriate behaviour and desirable social values such as sharing, working well with others, being generous and empathising with others are inculcated in children through formal storytelling sessions, large group discussions, role-playing and every other teachable moment. 

  • Motor Skills Development Open or Close

    Gross and fine motor skills are developed during classroom and outdoor lessons as children learn to be confident about what their body can do. Children develop their fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and promote cognitive development through various classroom activities. They also develop their gross motor skills through structured and unstructured outdoor play activities. Our annual Games Day provides an opportunity for children to challenge themselves physically and have fun at the same time.

  • Computer-Aided Education Open or Close

    Our weekly CAE lessons are conducted by a trained computer teacher. Learning is a fun and exciting experience during CAE lessons. Besides learning useful computer skills such as the effective use of the keyboard and mouse, the CAE lessons incorporate interesting themes and academic content such as Language & Literacy, Numeracy, and Science as well as mini projects which the children enjoy. At the end of the term, the children get to bring home a printed copy of their work.

  • Learning Centres Open or Close

    Learning Centres at a glance:

    ♥ Thematic / Home Centres
    ♥ Construction / Block Play
    ♥ Reading Centre
    ♥ Table toys / Manipulative Play
    ♥ Art & Craft Work Stations


    Learning centres are designated areas in a classroom with hands-on activities or manipulatives designed to teach a specific skill or concept. Children can visit the learning centres to do independent or group work. Learning centres are excellent differentiated instructional approaches to cater to children with different learning abilities.

  • Systematic Tracking of Children’s Learning and Development Open or Close

    At CPK, parents are able to access their child’s E-portfolio online anytime to learn about their child’s development. All E-portfolios will be maintained in our database untill the child graduates. As such, teachers at every new academic year will be able to refer to the child’s earlier years of learning to get a better understanding of the child’s development.


    All this documentation will serve as a point of reference during the Parents-Teachers-Meeting (PTM) held twice a year. This is to allow parents to have a clearer understanding of their child’s development and learning progress and work closely together with the teachers to scaffold the child’s learning and maximise their learning potential.